Is a scientific and professional tri-annual conference focuses on researches about mosque architecture worldwide, this conference is managed by Abdullatif Alfozan Award for Mosque Architecture, and it usually addresses various architectural topics on mosques, such as philosophy, history, esthetics, structure, functions, technical solutions or digital applications.
The main objective of this award is the development of contemporary design of mosques, throughout a specialized and classified database. Moreover, it encourages the architects to create new mosque’s designs, in which represent mosques in the twenty first century.
Generally, the award insures the importance of the twenty first century mosque architecture that perceived and re-produced the soul of the traditional mosque ideas, and conceived by the contemporary mosque concepts as a fundamental message.
Therefore, this new message expresses the presence of the contemporary mosque with its architectural and social connection and confirms the importance of the technological and the architectural forms that the mosque should reflect.
Scientific Committee Members
with international experience and specialists in mosque architecture, arts and studies, and nevertheless that the membership of the scientific committees is not only limited to architects, but usually it includes researchers in Islamic jurisprudence, structural engineering, religions, philosophy, social sciences, anthropology and history.
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