تعزيز الأجواء الروحانية للمساجد عبر تفعيل القيم الإسلامية ضمن مقاربة تراثية مستدامة
Personal Biography
Amal obtained her master's degree in architectural design and urban environment from the University of Constantine 3, Salah Boubnider in 2018 in Algeria. Her master's thesis focused on smart health and bio-inspired architecture for rare neurodegenerative diseases in Algeria. Her interests lie in the philosophy and innovation of architectural design, particularly the sensitive aspect of architecture, architectural aesthetics, psychology of space, atmospheres, and Islamic identity, especially in mosques. She is a Ph.D. student at the University of 8 May 1945 Guelma, and her thesis is centered on promoting a spiritual atmosphere in Algerian mosques.
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