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Dr. Mohamed Fekry is a professor of architecture and design at Effat University (previously Cairo University). He received his Master's and Ph.D. in Architecture from Cairo University, Egypt, in 1999 and 2004, respectively. With more than 25 years of teaching experience, Dr. Fekry has taught Architecture and Design at several Architecture Departments in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Dr. Mohamed's main concern now is to pass on his practical design experience to younger generations of architects and develop educational courses that reflect these concepts to the architectural students. His research interests include Architecture Theories, Design Processes, Digital Modelling, Geographical Information Systems, CAAD, and Urban Conservation. He is a listed reviewer for many local, regional, and international academic journals. Dr. Fekry is a member of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Umran Society – Jeddah Branch. He is the Vice-chair of the Saudi Planners Association SPA.

Paper Abstract

This research paper delves into the architectural evolution of mosques, focusing on distinguishing constants and variables within their design principles. By conducting an analytical historical review, the study aims to categorize these principles into two distinct groups: constants, which are fundamental and universally adhered to, and variables, which adapt to the changing contexts of time, location, and culture. The importance of this research lies in its potential to provide a structured framework for understanding the core elements that define mosque architecture, while also appreciating the diversity and adaptability of its expressions across different regions and eras. The primary aim of this study is to identify and articulate the enduring principles that constitute the essence of mosque architecture, alongside the flexible elements that allow for regional and temporal variations. The objectives include: (1) tracing the historical development of mosque architecture from its inception to contemporary times, (2) analyzing the influence of cultural, geographical, and temporal factors on mosque design, and (3) categorizing architectural features into constants and variables. Methodologically, the research employs a qualitative approach, utilizing historical texts, architectural analysis, and comparative studies of mosques from different periods and regions. Through this comprehensive review, the study synthesizes a wide range of data to draw conclusions about the inherent and adaptable elements of mosque architecture. The outcomes of this research highlight the core principles that remain consistent in mosque design, such as the orientation towards Mecca, the presence of a prayer hall, and the use of specific architectural elements like minarets and domes. Conversely, it identifies variable elements such as decorative styles, materials used, and the incorporation of local cultural motifs. This distinction not only enhances the understanding of mosque architecture but also provides valuable insights for architects and scholars in preserving the integrity of mosque design while allowing for creative and contextual adaptations.

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The Office Al Fozan Headquarters, Prince Turki Bin Abdul Aziz Street, Corniche Road, P.O.Box 38, Al Khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Head Office

The Office Al Fozan Headquarters, Prince Turki Bin Abdul Aziz Street, Corniche Road, P.O.Box 38, Al Khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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لوريم إيبسوم دولور سيت أميت، كونسيكتيتور أديبيسينغ إليت. سد كونسيكوات فيليت أت أنتي بيبندوم، إن ديكتوم إليت ديغنيسيم. إنتيجر أك ليغولا إو كوام كومودو إليمنتوم. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. فيسللوس أوت جوستو فيل سابين إيفيسيتور كورسوس. بروين نك ليو فيل دولور جرافيدا كونسيكتيتور. أوت إيد تورتور نيك توربيس لاسينيا فيوغيات. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. بيلينتيسكو
لوريم إيبسوم دولور سيت أميت، كونسيكتيتور أديبيسينغ إليت. سد كونسيكوات فيليت أت أنتي بيبندوم، إن ديكتوم إليت ديغنيسيم. إنتيجر أك ليغولا إو كوام كومودو إليمنتوم. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. فيسللوس أوت جوستو فيل سابين إيفيسيتور كورسوس. بروين نك ليو فيل دولور جرافيدا كونسيكتيتور. أوت إيد تورتور نيك توربيس لاسينيا فيوغيات. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. بيلينتيسكو