1st Track : Evolution of Mosque Architecture through the Ages
Author (with Damlanur İlipinar)
Research paper Title
Evaluation of Architectural Plan Changes of 'Selatin' Mosques Built in the Name of the Sultans during the Ottoman Period
Personal Biography
Cansu Turker: I'm graduated from architecture department in Bilkent University in Ankara in 2021. At the same year, I started my master's degree in "Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Architecture" department in Middle East Technical University in Ankara. After working as a conservation architect for one year, I started as a research assistant in FMV Isik University in İstanbul. Currently, I am in the process of submitting my master's thesis about the rural heritage area of Bursa city.
Damlanur İlipinar: After completing herundergraduate and graduate degrees in architecture at Middle East Technical University, she is currently working on her doctorate degree in Building Science. She continues as a research assistant at Safranbolu Başak Cengiz Architecture Faculty in Karabuk University. She has studies on seismic design, modularity, sustainable energy performance, industrial heritage and construction project management.
Paper Abstract
Evaluation of Architectural Plan Changes of 'Selatin' Mosques Built in the Name of the Sultans during the Ottoman Period
Anatolian territories, having hosted numerous civilizations, have long been a cultural and architectural bridge between East and West. This rich historical backdrop has left a profound impact on the region’s religious architecture, particularly evident in the design and construction of mosques. For centuries, mosque structures have played a crucial role in shaping the cityscapes of Edirne, Bursa, and Istanbul—multi-layered historical cities and former capitals of the Ottoman Empire. Among these religious structures, the Selatin mosques, built in the name of sultans and their families, stand out not only as architectural masterpieces but also as significant symbolic structures which are built in order to represent the power, military and political successes of the Ottoman state. The architectural designs of these political-religious structures were shaped by the prevailing ideologies of the Ottoman Empire, adapted to the changing conditions of the age. This research searches into the architectural design approaches of Selatin mosques across different historical periods in the various capital cities of the Ottoman Empire. The study specifically focuses on the evolution of plan layouts, including public religious spaces, circulation patterns, and courtyards. By examining mosque typologies from three distinct eras of Ottoman architecture—the early period (1299-1501), the classical period (1501-1703), and the late period (1703-1922)—the research aims to uncover the transformations in design principles over time through plan layouts. As case studies, three exemplary mosques are selected from these eras and cities: The Great Mosque in Bursa (from the early period), Selimiye Mosque in Edirne (from the classical period), and Nuruosmaniye Mosque in Istanbul (from the late period). The methodology involves a detailed analysis of the plan generation of these mosques, identifying both the similarities and distinctive features, as well as the stylistic transformations that occurred throughout the Empire's history. Ultimately, this study provides a comparative evaluation of the architectural approaches employed in the design of Selatin mosques, revealing how these monumental structures not only responded to the religious and cultural needs of their time but also contributed to the ongoing evolution of Ottoman architectural identity.
Keywords: Selatin Mosques, Bursa Great Mosque, Edirne Selimiye Mosque, Nurosmaniye Mosque, Architectural Plan Layout
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