Evolution of Mosque Architecture in South Asia: Integrating Hindu and Islamic Elements
Personal Biography
As an Art Historian, specializing in Islamic Art and Architecture, my work
encompasses academic pursuits, cultural fieldwork, and the practical application
of scholarship to contemporary urban planning and Arts patronage throughout the
Arab region. My scholarship focuses on Islamic architecture, with an eye towards
its impact, past and present, on urbanism, landscape design and conservation. I’m
currently researching the technical and engineering aspects.
of structures built under Islamic patronage through time, with an interest in
exploring their applicability to contemporary design projects and modern urban
planning in the Islamic World. I believe that through the application and
reinterpretation of historical Islamic building techniques and urban planning
models, the shared cultural heritage of the modern Islamic world is both
reinforced and rejuvenated. I have done extensive work in cultural fields since
2007, both within the classroom and out. I have taught numerous courses at
universities while continuing to actively publish new research in both English and
Arabic covering many disparate topics within the greater field of Islamic Art and
Architecture. My work has garnered global recognition, including my study on the
Role of Modern Design in Contemporary and Traditional Architecture,
which won international accolades. In addition, this dualtrack of scholarship and
archaeological fieldwork is effectively fused in my role managing and advising for
museums in both Qatar and Abu Dhabi, including the Qatar National Museum. I am
professionally proficient in English, French, and Arabic, and have considerable
experience presenting at events and conferences
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