This paper provides knowledge about the meaning of Islamic philosophy embedded by the guardians in the architecture of the Sang Cipta Rasa mosque which has not changed since this building was built, even though the architectural form of the mosque has changed in line with increasing needs and socio-cultural and political influences.
Research paper Title
The Morphology of Sang Cipta Rasa as a Mosque of Wali
Personal Biography
Dini Rosmalia, as the first author. In addition to being a professional architect, she is also an Associate Professor in Architecture at Pancasila University, Indonesia. Her research focuses on historical heritage buildings and cultural landscapes, and how culture plays an important role in the development of a building and historical area. Several of her scientific articles have been published in international journals indexed by Scopus, including, such as The Collaboration Between Space Form and Islamic Cultural Ritual on The Cultural Landscape Pattern of Cirebon City, Begging and Tourism: Between visual imagenary and a social reality; Planning of Keraton Cultural Tourism in Cirebon, Indonesia Based on Graphical User Interface (GUI), etc.
Paper Abstract
Wali Sanga, in the history of the Indonesian archipelago, is known as a great scholar who spread Islam in the 15th to 16th centuries AD. There are nine of these scholars, so they are called Wali Sanga or Wali Sembilan. To support the activity of Islamic propagation of Wali, the mosques were built as a means of worship for Muslims at that time. The architectural concept applied to the mosque's construction adapts to the local socio-cultural and political conditions where the mosque is located. One of the mosques of Wali built in the 15th century AD in Cirebon City is the Sang Cipta Rasa Mosque. This mosque is a Great Mosque that was built during the time of Sunan Gunungjati, the most famous wali who was also the first king of the Cerbon Kingdom and had the most significant influence in the spread of Islam in the Indonesian archipelago in the 15th to 16th centuries AD. At that time, the Sang Cipta Rasa Mosque was built with Islamic architectural concepts acculturated with local architectural concepts (Hindu-Buddhist). Since its establishment until now, this Grand Mosque has undergone several changes following the needs of the increasing number of mosque congregations. Also, it changes in form due to social, cultural, and political influences in Cirebon. Thus, this article aims to reveal the morphology of the form and philosophy of the Sang Cipta Rasa Mosque building from its build until now and what influences the changes. The method used is a historical approach with Synchronic and Diachronic. The results of the study show that the changes in the Sang Cipta Rasa Mosque are divided into periods 1) Cerbon Kingdom, Sunan Gunungjati Era; 2) Cerbon Kingdom after Sunan Gunungjati; 3) Post-Cerbon Kingdom after the Kingdom was divided into the Kasepuhan and Kanoman Sultanates; 4) Colonial, 5) the Republic of Indonesia. During the fifth period, the mosque underwent several changes, starting with the shape of the building, the addition of prayer rooms, and the addition of supporting facilities, such as wudhu areas and toilets. Although this mosque has undergone several changes, the philosophy contained in the architecture of the main building has not shifted. Thus, it can be concluded that despite changes due to socio-cultural and political influences, the philosophy contained in the architecture of the Sang Cipta Rasa mosque as a saint's mosque has survived to this day.
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