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Scientific Papers Abstract Submission


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Research paper Title

Factors Influencing Awareness of the Living Mosque Concept: The Case of Konya

Personal Biography

Şerife Gökbaş Art Historian, Social Innovation Agency, Konya, Turkey Email: gokbas42@gmail.com Tel: +90 507 140 0030

Paper Abstract

**ABSTRACT** During the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), mosques served as inclusive spaces where all Muslims—children, youth, elderly, men, and women—were offered equal opportunities in worship and education. Today, however, while men generally receive religious education through sermons, preachings, and other activities at mosques, it is observed that women are not benefiting as much from these services. This includes raising awareness among religious service providers, mosque association officials, and all mosque users through scientific studies, fostering a change in understanding, and creating an environment of tolerance. This study aims to first assess the community's perspective on mosque architecture and their value judgments. Additionally, the study seeks to identify deficiencies in the use of mosques. It aims to reveal the satisfaction and contentment of users regarding their current mosque experiences, alongside their preferences and expectations. A field study is conducted on nine selected mosques in the central districts of Konya. The methods used for data collection include: (1) on-site observations, (2) semi-structured interviews, and (3) surveys. The study aims to present a series of recommendations based on the findings to address the problems encountered by users in their mosque experiences. Interviews with mosque users reveal that the existing mosque structures do not adequately meet the diverse needs of different user profiles. The study finds that most mosques, especially those located in city centers, are insufficient for collective worship. It highlights several functional shortcomings: women's needs in terms of spatial size and quality are not met, shared entrances pose privacy issues, facilities such as ablution areas and restrooms are often located at the back of the mosque and are not easily accessible, and solutions for disabled users are limited. Users generally expect improvements in: (1) the atmosphere and cleanliness of the mosque, (2) the availability of mosques outside prayer times, (3) the ability to worship in all sections, (4) addressing behavioral issues, and (5) providing women with the opportunity to attend Friday prayers. **Keywords:** Living Mosque, User Experience, Awareness, Mosque Architecture, Türkiye.

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The Office Al Fozan Headquarters, Prince Turki Bin Abdul Aziz Street, Corniche Road, P.O.Box 38, Al Khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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لوريم إيبسوم دولور سيت أميت، كونسيكتيتور أديبيسينغ إليت. سد كونسيكوات فيليت أت أنتي بيبندوم، إن ديكتوم إليت ديغنيسيم. إنتيجر أك ليغولا إو كوام كومودو إليمنتوم. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. فيسللوس أوت جوستو فيل سابين إيفيسيتور كورسوس. بروين نك ليو فيل دولور جرافيدا كونسيكتيتور. أوت إيد تورتور نيك توربيس لاسينيا فيوغيات. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. بيلينتيسكو
لوريم إيبسوم دولور سيت أميت، كونسيكتيتور أديبيسينغ إليت. سد كونسيكوات فيليت أت أنتي بيبندوم، إن ديكتوم إليت ديغنيسيم. إنتيجر أك ليغولا إو كوام كومودو إليمنتوم. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. فيسللوس أوت جوستو فيل سابين إيفيسيتور كورسوس. بروين نك ليو فيل دولور جرافيدا كونسيكتيتور. أوت إيد تورتور نيك توربيس لاسينيا فيوغيات. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. بيلينتيسكو