This study especially aims to re-look and rethink the stages of mosque architecture and the meanings of ornament design in the evolutionary process through the selected and pioneer Ottoman mosques.
Research paper Title
Personal Biography
Ülkü DEMİR (Lecturer M.Sc. Interior Architect & Architectural Historian)
Ülkü Demir graduated from Istanbul Technical University-Interior Architecture undergraduate programme in 2006 with the second degree. Took her master degree from Istanbul Technical University - History of Archtecture master's program in 2010 with his thesis titled "Interior Decoration / Ornament Design of Laleli Mosque". Since 2012, she has been continuing her doctoral studies with her thesis on "Architectural Style and Decoration in Istanbul in the Period of Mustafa III" in History of Archtecture Ph.D. Programme of Istanbul Technical University. In the 2017-2018 academic year, she has been as a Ph.D. student and a reseacher at the Montaigne University of Bordeaux, France for one year.
Worked as a full time and part-time lecturer at Istanbul Technical University, Doğuş University, Medipol University, Sabahatttin Zaim University and Okan University and as a research assistant at Maltepe University and Bahçeşehir University in architecture and interior architecture departments.
Worked as an interior architect in the professional field, in interior architecture and surveying-restoration offices. Also participated in various archaeological excavations and surveys belonging to the Ministry of Culture of Turkey. Still a member of Ainos (Enez) Archaeological Excavations & Researches.
Ülkü Demir continues her academic studies as a Ph.D. in Istanbul Technical University and has been a lecturer at Doğuş University since 2020.
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