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1st Track : Evolution of Mosque Architecture through the Ages


She is researcher and Art historian. Her published work is as following. 1. http://prr.hec.gov.pk/jspui/handle/123456789/2854 link for PhD thesis 2. https://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/history/PDF-FILES/1_58_4_21.pdf abstraction and symbolism in Faisal Mosque 3. https://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/history/PDF-FILES/35_58_3_21.pdfMysticism in Sadquain’s calligraphic paintings 4. https://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/studies/PDF-FILES/10_v20_1_19.pdf 5. https://www.academia.edu/download/78267470/B0260814.pdf Significance of Inlay work in Modern Mosques at Islamabab. 6. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Samina-Nasim/publication/340849287_UNUSUAL_SHAPE_AND_SIGNIFICANCE_OF_THE_MIHRAB_IN_THE_MODERN_MOSQUE/links/5eaa159792851cb267664edc/UNUSUAL-SHAPE-AND-SIGNIFICANCE-OF-THE-MIHRAB-IN-THE-MODERN-MOSQUE.pdf 7. https://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/Jamal/PDF/4_v1_2012.pdf Ali hajvery mosque 8. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339536312_Pakistani_Tile_Mosaic_Work_A_Remarkable_Ornamentation_in_the_Contemporary_Mosques_of_South_Asia&ved=2ahUKEwiXotbR9bWHAxVCR_EDHTlvB1kQFnoECCMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0hTgQcdl--agkxVqiXSPQf 9. https://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/history/PDF-FILES/2_59_2_22.pdf

Research paper Title

Evolution of Architectural Elements in the Mosques of Pakistan: Style, Influences, and Modernity

Personal Biography

Prof. Dr. Samina Nasim is seasoned academician and designated as Principal, University College of Art and Design, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan. She has twenty-five years of experience in teaching profession. She did her Ph.D. in History of Art & Architecture in 2009. Her area of specialization is Fine Arts, History of Muslim Art & Architecture and Studio Practice. She has fifteen research publications in National and International research journals having impact factor. History of South Asian Art and Architecture is her major area of interest. She is also a practicing artist and has participated in several National and International conferences as esteemed paper presenter. She visited USA, Korea and China as paper presenter. Ten National and International Solo Shows of paintings and more than ninety shows are in her credit. Her artwork has been selected for permanent display in the Museum of Hebi Normal University Sijiazhuang China in 2017. She has won several prizes in prestigious Art Competitions. Contact: samina.nasim@gmail.com samina.cad@pu.edu.pk Phone No: 03004180779

Paper Abstract

Evolution of Architectural Elements in the Mosques of Pakistan: Style, Influences, and Modernity Through the ages, mosque architecture has shown regional variations in its design and style, which have their own importance and identification varying from region to region. South Asian Mosque architecture has its own style based on its cultural heritage. The legacy is maintained, and Pakistani, mosques are constructed by following the traditions. In contemporary mosque architecture, a break from tradition is evident, and new trends are introduced to adorn the architectural elements in built form and on surfaces. In the present research, focus on the evolution of mosque design and different influences like Arab, Persian and Turkish on the architectural elements are the main objectives of the study. The present research is based on the developmental course of architectural decoration in built form, like façades, minarets, domical structures, mihrab, mimber, muadhin pew, and arches of mosques, and on surfaces, such as mosaic work, lattice work, inlay work , tile work, metal work, stucco work, relief work, calligraphy, marble, and wood carvings. The use of different decorative techniques on surfaces enhances the value of the place, and traditional and modern designs show the evolution of decorative elements in Pakistani mosque construction. The discussion of decorative techniques and modifications to style is a significant part of the research. In order to understand how traditional techniques are alive to continue the traditional styles and maintain artistic representation, the study focuses on those mosques that present a visible comparison among traditional and modern techniques and elements. The methodology for case study and data collection is based on in-person visits to mosques and public libraries, interviews with architects, artisans, and calligraphers, and searching of websites. The Chicago manual style of qualitative research writing will be adopted to discuss this observational and exploratory research. Almost every province of Pakistan will be visited, but those mosques will be selected for research, which will show the developmental course of architectural decorative elements and foreign influences on the elements. Keywords: Decorative techniques, Contemporary trends, Turkish influences, Development, Design, Elements.

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لوريم إيبسوم دولور سيت أميت، كونسيكتيتور أديبيسينغ إليت. سد كونسيكوات فيليت أت أنتي بيبندوم، إن ديكتوم إليت ديغنيسيم. إنتيجر أك ليغولا إو كوام كومودو إليمنتوم. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. فيسللوس أوت جوستو فيل سابين إيفيسيتور كورسوس. بروين نك ليو فيل دولور جرافيدا كونسيكتيتور. أوت إيد تورتور نيك توربيس لاسينيا فيوغيات. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. بيلينتيسكو