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Scientific Papers Abstract Submission


1st Track



Research paper Title

Zebun Nessa Mosque: Reimagining the architectural components and spaces within mosque architecture in Bangladesh

Personal Biography

Hello! This is Mantaka Junnurain Adrito I am currently studying at Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology in the Department of Architecture, at Level 4, Term 1. I am from Barishal, known as the Venice of Bangladesh. I have a keen interest in traveling, photography, urban sketching, architectural model making, and fabrication. Since the beginning of my architecture journey, I have been fascinated by mosque architecture and its spirituality, which has motivated me to get more involved in this field. As an architecture student, one of my goals is to use this spiritual essence to serve people. I always strive to incorporate comfort and environmental considerations to enhance the user experience in presenting architectural elements.

Paper Abstract

In a rapidly developing industrial neighborhood on the outskirts of Dhaka, Bangladesh, a mosque made of pink concrete has been constructed on the brink of a water body. The mosque was designed to connect water and land while also creating a peaceful place inside the industrial complex. It offers filtered natural light and circulation, creating a comfortable environment. The mosque's architecture is basic, with a large structure on an elevated platform modeled based on typical Bangladeshi home forms. Its design centers on basic geometric forms, resulting in four enclosed gardens that receive natural light. The strong concrete walls include small rectangular apertures that let in filtered light, much like lanterns. These Walls also serve to manage the temperature within the mosque. The mosque is built entirely without columns. Because the location is hot and humid, the mosque is built to be naturally ventilated, permitting pleasant breezes from the neighboring water body. The doors and thresholds are composed of perforated metal sheets to allow air to flow during the monsoon season. The mosque's qibla is marked by a huge arched aperture on the western side that leads to a reflected waterbody, providing a light-filled room. The mosque contains few glass surfaces, except a translucent glass mihrab created on-site from local glass. The ablution area is intended to induce spirituality and includes a recycled water system for the garden plants. The new approach to mosque building has changed the mosque into a place of meditation. The main findings focus on the new thinking of Islamic elements in architecture and how the space is ventilated to create a peaceful environment. Keywords: New design morphology, form, symbolic values, Environmental issues, spirituality.

Paper Abstract file

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The Office Al Fozan Headquarters, Prince Turki Bin Abdul Aziz Street, Corniche Road, P.O.Box 38, Al Khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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The Office Al Fozan Headquarters, Prince Turki Bin Abdul Aziz Street, Corniche Road, P.O.Box 38, Al Khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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لوريم إيبسوم دولور سيت أميت، كونسيكتيتور أديبيسينغ إليت. سد كونسيكوات فيليت أت أنتي بيبندوم، إن ديكتوم إليت ديغنيسيم. إنتيجر أك ليغولا إو كوام كومودو إليمنتوم. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. فيسللوس أوت جوستو فيل سابين إيفيسيتور كورسوس. بروين نك ليو فيل دولور جرافيدا كونسيكتيتور. أوت إيد تورتور نيك توربيس لاسينيا فيوغيات. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. بيلينتيسكو
لوريم إيبسوم دولور سيت أميت، كونسيكتيتور أديبيسينغ إليت. سد كونسيكوات فيليت أت أنتي بيبندوم، إن ديكتوم إليت ديغنيسيم. إنتيجر أك ليغولا إو كوام كومودو إليمنتوم. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. فيسللوس أوت جوستو فيل سابين إيفيسيتور كورسوس. بروين نك ليو فيل دولور جرافيدا كونسيكتيتور. أوت إيد تورتور نيك توربيس لاسينيا فيوغيات. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. بيلينتيسكو