“Rethinking Mosque Architecture in the Essence of Contemporary World, Paradigm Shift, New issues and trends”
Personal Biography
Jannatul Ferdaous is young acoustic architect who is practicing her career in construction sector in Bangladesh. She also works for research and urban development issues personally as well as under different associations .She also assist student for their research work as a counselor. To obtain her career goal by utilizing her educational and professional experiences she tries to achieve a superior progressive career in design field as well as research and development work for last 10 years.
She completed her bachelor with good score from Stamford University, Bangladesh then completed her masters in Architecture on Acoustic Architecture (“Thesis Topic: Effects of Background Noise on Speech Intelligibility in Elementary Schools Classrooms In Dhaka City’’) From Bangladesh University Of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh .
Well-disciplined, quick learner, energetic and enthusiastic with good communication skill. Self-motivated with strong derived to achieve the target deadline.
Paper Abstract
From the revolution of Islam, the obligations of Muslims to daily prayers Prophet Mohammad (SWT) converted his home as first mosque at 7th century in Arab Peninsula. Then the exploit of mosque spread throughout Near East, Turkey, Persia, Afghanistan to the Indian Sub-Continent in 12th century. Mosque is an essential Islamic building and important emblem of Islamic architecture throughout the world with its archetype. Early 7th century mosque was an Arabian style house, with central large courtyard which was also surrounded by long rooms supported by columns. This particular style of mosque known as hypostyle mosque means “many column“. Most mosques built in Arab lands utilized this style for centuries. At early stage Mosque was used more like religious camps like religious edifies –a paling of reeds or even a boundary ditch sufficed. The patronage of mosques was charitable and like architectural patronage in all cultures, also an opportunity for self-promotion. During Ottoman period the social services attached with mosque by Sultans, are some of the most extensive of their type. During the invasion of Bengal province in the 13th century, Muslims introduced their Islamic architecture for the first time in this region where Bengal was rich with its own cultural tradition and context. As a result Bengal mosque developed under contextual influences during Muslim rules. Numerous mosques were built throughout the five and a half centuries of Muslim rule before the British colonial period; however a few landmark monuments have been chosen to illustrate the development of mosques design in Bengal both the Indian state of West Bengal and Bangladesh. This paper will demonstrate revolution of mosque architecture of different time period in Bangladesh with the evaluation and transformation from the Sultanate period, Mughal period, Transitional period, Colonial period to Modern Era (contemporary trends). Also this paper will comprehend different mosque as examples of those periods with design principal as well as features and contextual growth of design in different timeline which was enhanced by local context and culture.
Keywords: Mosque architecture, Islamic Architecture, Religious edifies, Contextual influences, Design Principals , Revolution.
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