The research paper attempts to establish a critical approach to studying the historical buildings of the Islamic architectural achievement by looking at them as an urban structure that is constantly evolving, changing and re-reading. The paper proposes the idea of recreating these buildings and giving them new design dimensions related to that time period, presenting a contemporary aesthetic meaning and values to these historical buildings through rehabilitation or reconstruction projects across the ages.
Research paper Title
تاثير عمليات الترميم واعادة البناء على الخصائص المعمارية الجوهرية للمباني التاريخية : دراسية تحليلة لنماذج مختارة من المساجد التاريخية في العراق The impact of restoration and reconstruction processes on the essential architectural characteristics of historic buildings: An analytical study for selected group of historical mosques in Iraq
Personal Biography
Samaan Majeed Yas : Consultant Architect & Urban Designer
(B.Sc.Arch. Eng., M.Sc.Urban Design, Ph.D.Arch. Eng.)
• Member of Engineering Consulting Bureau- University of Diyala (DECB)
• Faculty member- Head of Department of Architecture - University of Diyala
• Member in the Architectural Division – Iraqi Engineers Union- since 1994 – Consultant Degree since 2011
E- Mail :
TEL. :
+964 (0)7703905431
2009 Ph.D. Arc. Eng., Baghdad University, Baghdad- Iraq
Research subject: Future of architecture in Islamic Societies according to the civilizations dialogue concept
1995-1998 M.Sc. Urban Design (Master of Science in Urban Design), University of Technology, Baghdad – Iraq
Research subject: Geometrical Properties in Islamic architecture: an analytical study of Shape Grammar in Mosques Architecture
2000 Leader design team for Competition the Project Iraqi Women monument
2001 Leader design team for updating master plan project for the University of Tikrit
2001-2006 Executive director of Diyala Consultant Engineering Bureau (DCEB)
2001-2014 leader Design team and supervision series of project in (DCEB) for the project at Universities of Diyala, Tikrit, Karbala , technology in Baghdad and the Ministry of Health and some affiliated foreign humanitarian Service and the Health Directorate of Diyala and Governorate of Diyala province
2010-2012 General official consultant Architect for Diyala University chansler
2011-2014 Team leader (Iraqi side) cooperation with German firm (rha Aachen) for strategic Development (Updating Master Plan project for Muqdodiya city (at Diyala Province )
1998 - 2001 Visitor lecturer at Architecture department at the University of technology -Baghdad
1997 - 1999 Visitor lecturer at the Institute of Applied Arts in Baghdad
2005 – 2013
2018 –2023
2023- tell now Lecturer at Civil Engineering department in University of Diyala
Head of the Department of Architecture - College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Republic of Iraq
Visitor lecturer at Architecture department at Philadelphia University – Jordan
Faculty member in the Coll. of Engineering/ Dept. of Architecture in University of Diyala
Head of the Department of Architecture - College of Engineering, University of Diyala, Republic of Iraq
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