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View a sample from the Algerian Sahara region and the African Sahel

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The architecture of mosques in Algeria, its Sahara and the countries of the African Sahel

Personal Biography

Bibliography hadj lakhal Address: n :67 quoted July 05 adrar Tel: 00213661702635 Email: lahadj@yahoo.fr Born on 19-04-1979 in oulad ahmed timmi adrar algeria Primary study ibn khaldoun school in oulad ahmed timmi adrar (1986-1991) -Fundamental study in djaafer bne abi talelb a ouled brahim timmi (1992-1994) -Final study technical high school in hakoumi el aid adrar center (1995-1998) -Bachelor's degree 1998 civil engineering - state architect diploma at the national school of architecture and urban planning in el harrache algiers EPAU (1999-2003 ) -Completed in 2003 End of study project: Optional: urban project, architectural project and the sustainable development new Site: Tamantit (site classified by RAMSAR - Convention Inter National -) as an international wetland) and classified as Algerian national heritage New Project: (OUKALAT TAMENTITE) Complex Polytechnic School of architecture and urban planning. (E.P.A.U) el Harach Algiers Born In 1998 : internship Real estate agency Timmi adrar  In 1999: Architectural study internship at the adrar design office B.E.T.A.S June 2000(Dahadj) Until 2000 Field internship at the polytechnic design office from the wilaya of Adrar B.E.P.W.In June 2001 (followed on 105 evolutionary log and 60 log (Tililane slice)  A 2001: site visits (the new Ministry of finance Ben Aknoun Algiers) March 2002 in frame pedagogical at the epau by a ministerial decision (2 month march April 2002)  In 2002: Field internship at the design office polytechnic of the wilaya of Adrar B.E.P.W.A June 2002 (followed the 6000 headquarters of the University of Adrar 03 months) - Master of architecture university of science and technology mohamed bodiafe ORAN Algeria (2016-2018) - PhD study 2023 university Tope capi Turkish istanbul Project manager DIRECTOR OF The lakhal CAUL design office Certified architect under the N 06056/01/05L has the order of architects. Since 2002 President of the Ali Mansouri Architecture Club at the University of the School National School of Architecture EPAU el harach algiers Since 2003 Head of the office of the Wilaya of Adrar of the National Association for ANEJ youth exchanges October 2012 Participation in the International Exhibition in Munich, Germany at the world Architecture Other positions and functions held Since 2014 Member of the local council of the order of architects the wilaya of Adrar Since 2014 Member of the National Congress of the Order of architects September 2017 Participation in the International Seminar of Oualata, Nouakchott Mauritania to the heritage of Earthen Architecture and the presentation of a official conference as official representative of the Algerian state. January 2017 Secretary General of the Local Council of the Order of architects of the wilaya d Adrar January 2019 Advisor to the President of the national Employers' organization ONPE January 2018 President of the Local Council of the Order of architects of the wilaya of Adrar January 2019 Advised by the President of the national association ANCIA January 2019 General secretary of the association of parents of primary school students from Boudouia Boudouia to the Nevele town sidi BelkBire to adrar Since 2020 Member of the Executive Board of the National Union of Scientists and Algerian Technologists UNSTA and President of the Commission of architecture, Building and Urban Planning January 2020 creation of the laboratory of research in architecture and urbanism of the city of adrar between the municipality of adrar and the orders of the architects of adrar In 2021, obtaining a judicial expert approved by the Court of Justice of Adrar in 2022 Re-election for a new mondât 2022-2026 as President of the Local Council of the order of architects of the wilaya of Adrar 2022-2026 In 2022 Appointed National Vice-President of the National Council of the Order of CNOA architects at the national electoral congress of architects . - 2023 member national office of the national association of merchants and artisans ANCA - 2024 president of the local office in adrar of the national union of Algerian judicial experts - The professional path -2005 Project manager DIRECTOR OF THE CAUL Architect approved under the N 06056/01/05L has the order of architects. Born on 19-04-1979 in adrar ---------------- Address: n :67 quoted July 05 adrar * Arabic: read, spoken, written * French: read, spoken, written * English: read, spoken, written Architect in the CIAT design office ( 15 /07/ 2003 Until 06/05/ 2005 ) A STUDY on the town of OUM LAASSELE (wilaya of Tindouf) A STUDY on the town of Hassai Khabi (wilaya of Tindouf) THE STUDY POS the municipality TIMOKTEN  STUDY of Several Housing Estates and Urban Development  Development STUDY of the Military Base in Reggane  Development STUDY of the Military Base in Boula Adam Tindouf Director of design office LAKHAL HADJ from 05 May 2005 - And more than 200 projects of equipment a adrar STUDY AND MONITORING OF THE REALIZATION OF THE AGRINIDJ TOURIST COMPLEX IN ADRAR activity followed by 96 logts Lsp BOULBADAOUI MOUSSA in ADRAR A UNIVERSITY NOVEL STUDY OF 20,000 P  STUDY AND follow-up of 40 logts Lsp BOULBADAOUI MOUSSA in ADRAR THE PEDAGOGICAL LACE IN BECHAR 2006 (SOU TRI TANCE) THE STUDY OF THE HHT OF TAMENTIT DUC ADRAR  STUDY +FOLLOW-UP OF 20 LOGS WITH **CATEGORY B** OPGI ADRAR  STUDY + FOLLOW-UP OF REHAB OF 100 LOGS IN- ZEGMIR DUC ADRAR A STATE-OF-THE-ART STUDY OF TIMMI'S KSOUR APC TIMMI  ACCOMMODATION AT THE HEADQUARTERS OF CIVIL PROTECTION ADRAR THE STUDY OF A TREATMENT ROOM IN BOUZAN DLEP ADRAR PRE -STUDY +FOLLOW-UP OF 15 FUNCTION LOGS IN REGGANE DLEP ADRAR- - **CATEGORY B** PRICE FOLLOWED BY 100 LOC COMM A ZT-KON **CATEGORY B** THE STUDY OF A NEW UNIVERSITY OF 20,000 PEDAGOGICAL PLACE IN BECHAR 2006 (OFTEN)  STUDY AND MONITORING OF A SCIENTIFIC LEISURE CENTER IN ADRAR DJS ADRAR **CATEGORY D**  STUDY AND FOLLOW-UP OF A CEM BASE4 IN ZAOUIT KONTA IN ADRAR DLEPADRAR **CATEGORY B** THE STUDY OF THE HHT OF TAMENTIT DUC ADRAR **CATEGORY B** THE REHABILITATION OF THE HEADQUARTERS OF ANSEJ ADRAR THE STUDY OF THE HHT OF TAMENTIT DUC ADRAR **CATEGORY B**  STUDY AND FOLLOW-UP OF A GARDEN IN IN-ZEGMIR APC IN-ZE  STUDY AND MONITORING OF AN URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN IN-ZEGMIR APC IN-ZE  STUDY AND MONITORING OF THE REALIZATION OF AN AGRINIGE TOURIST COMPLEX IN ADRAR -- -BEN HAMDOU MOBAREK ---  STUDY AND MONITORING OF THE REALIZATION OF A HOTEL IN ADRAR --- SARL SIDI AHMED BEN MOUSSA ADRAR ---  STUDY AND FOLLOW-UP OF THE REALIZATION OF A CENTER OF PROXIMITY OF TAX A REGGAN **CATEGORY C**  STUDY AND MONITORING OF THE REALIZATION OF 60 HOUSING A Z-KOUNTA ----DLEP **CATEGORY B** PRE - STUDY AND FOLLOW-UP OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LIGHT CIVIL PROTECTION UNIT IN TINERKOUK **CATEGORY C** - STUDY AND FOLLOW-UP OF THE REALIZATION OF A GYM AT THE MAIN UNIT OF THE CIVIL PROTECTION OF ADRAR**CATEGORY B**  STUDY AND MONITORING OF THE REHABILITATION OF THE MAIN PROTECTION UNIT CIVIL OF ADRAR **CATEGORY B** NUMBER 50 ACCOMMODATION BBM BORDJ BADJI OKHTAR ----DLEP **CATEGORY B** NUMBER 50 HOUSING LPL RAHIMI-DL IN TIMIMOUN **CATEGORY B**  STUDY AND FOLLOW-UP OF POLICE SECTOR AT BORDJ BADJI OKHTAR .BBM  STUDY AND FOLLOW-UP CELEBATORIUEME R+2 DEP OLICE A ADRAR **CATEGORY B**  STUDY OF INVESTMENT EQUIPMENT2  STUDY OF A LOGISTICS BASE OF 05 HECTARES IN SBAA A -ADRAR THE STUDY OF A MOSQUE IN SALI M, LAARBI THE STUDY OF A MOSQUE IN AOUGROUTE THE STUDY OF A MOSQUE IN TASFAOUTE ZAOUIA EL HABIBYA THE STUDY OF A MOSQUE IN AOUGROUTE - study of border police sector in bordj bzdji mokhtar - Celebration of the holidays in adrar - Continue to zaouite sid el bakri timmi adrar - Project 150 housing. In adrar - 25 housing project in tamestadrar - Project 10 housing in tameset adrar - Project 100 housing lpl adrar - and more than 30 mosque . Until this day

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The Office Al Fozan Headquarters, Prince Turki Bin Abdul Aziz Street, Corniche Road, P.O.Box 38, Al Khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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لوريم إيبسوم دولور سيت أميت، كونسيكتيتور أديبيسينغ إليت. سد كونسيكوات فيليت أت أنتي بيبندوم، إن ديكتوم إليت ديغنيسيم. إنتيجر أك ليغولا إو كوام كومودو إليمنتوم. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. فيسللوس أوت جوستو فيل سابين إيفيسيتور كورسوس. بروين نك ليو فيل دولور جرافيدا كونسيكتيتور. أوت إيد تورتور نيك توربيس لاسينيا فيوغيات. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. بيلينتيسكو
لوريم إيبسوم دولور سيت أميت، كونسيكتيتور أديبيسينغ إليت. سد كونسيكوات فيليت أت أنتي بيبندوم، إن ديكتوم إليت ديغنيسيم. إنتيجر أك ليغولا إو كوام كومودو إليمنتوم. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. فيسللوس أوت جوستو فيل سابين إيفيسيتور كورسوس. بروين نك ليو فيل دولور جرافيدا كونسيكتيتور. أوت إيد تورتور نيك توربيس لاسينيا فيوغيات. أليكوام إيرات فولوتبات. بيلينتيسكو