2nd Track : Rethinking the Mosque Architecture of the Future
Research on the design technologies of the futuristic mosque
Research paper Title
The technological integration of the Futuristic Mosque design and its feasibility
Personal Biography
I am Tasnim Haque, a young architect of Bangladesh. I am currently working at Department of Architecture, Ministry of Housing and Public Works as an Assistant Architect. Previously, I have worked at renowned architectural firms, group of companies and with European Architect as well. My expertise is in design of residential, commercial, institutional and health care building projects including many interior design projects. Other than my architectural works, I have passion for traveling at home and abroad, and love doing many creative works like painting, product design and hand embroidery.
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Ut id tortor nec turpis lacinia feugiat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum nec cursus nisl. Integer ut quam ac nulla venenatis iaculis vel vel turpis. Fusce hendrerit arcu at dui euismod, id suscipit justo pulvinar. Nulla facilisi.