Short Biography: Specializing in Structural and Earthquake Engineering, Prof. Dr. Alper İlki has been working at Istanbul Technical University since 1993. He is the author of 90+ articles published in Web of Science-indexed journals and 200+ full-text international conference papers. He has been involved in many research and application projects on Structural and Earthquake engineering. Alper İlki, who has supervised 20 completed PhD theses and more than 80 MSc theses, has reviewed more than 400 scientific articles for 63 different scientific journals, 48 of which are indexed by Web of Science. Alper İlki, who is the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Turkish Earthquake Foundation and a member of the Board of the Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool, has served for the drafting of Turkish Seismic Design Code and Regulation on Assessment of Risky Buildings. Currently, he is the editor, associate editor and subject editor for Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction and some other scientific journals. Other than delivering keynote and invited lectures in different parts of the world, he has been the chair/or co-chair of several highly reputable international conferences, including SMAR series, CICE 2020 and fib Symposium 2023. Professor İlki has been involved in restoration of invaluable historical structures such as involved in restoration of invaluable historical structures such as Edirne Selimiye Cami, Ayasofya Cami, Sivas Divriği Ulu Cami and Şifahanesi, Sivas Ulu Cami, Sivas Gökmedrese, Davutpaşa Cami, Haseki Sultan Cami, Nicosia Selimiye Cami, Hatay Habibi Neccar Cami and Hatay Ulu Cami among others.