This paper will discuss the Mehrab in mosques from the prophet mosque in Medina till 16th Century AD.
The paper will explain the persisting use of Mehrabs in the Mosques while it was not accepted by some
jurists. The paper will also answer the question of what is the main purpose of having a Mehrab in
Mosques. It seems only through the understanding of the psychological and religious dimensions as
well as the epigraphic programs associated with the Mehrab that one can see the significance functions
of them. The paper will discuss the following:
1. Psychological functions of the Mehrab in light of the psycho religious experience
2. Epigraphy on Mehrab(s)
3. Morphology of Mehrabs
3.1. Architectural vocabularies of the Mehrab
3.2. Perceptual levels within the Mehrab(s)
In conclusion one will understand the reasons of having Mehrabs in mosques though history
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